mercredi 21 mai 2008

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Geneva Center for security policy
“Afghanistan: Mission Impossible?”:

A resurgent Taliban and Al-Qaeda, which now launch brazen attacks in Kabul, coupled with a reticent NATO, which is either unable or unwilling to raise the forces necessary to carry out their mission, and a new government in Pakistan, which is entering into dangerous deals with militants operating in and out of the North West Frontier Province, pose yet another existential crisis for Afghanistan. Has Afghanistan become an impossible mission for the international community? What are the prospects for the survival of a viable and democratic Afghanistan? Three distinguished experts, representing the key actors engaged in Afghanistan, will focus on these challenges and the prospects for the country’s future.

Chair: Dr. W. Pal Singh SIDHU
Course Director, New Issues in Security Course, GCSP

Introduction of each speaker.

Brig. Gen. Richard NUGEE
Chief Joint Fires and Influence, Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (United Kingdom)

· The first challenge is time. The force was invited by the government. NATO representes the majority of the force even if different countries including the US forces which are not welcomed (unpopular) in most of the country because they are seen as an occuping forrce, as an ennemy.
We must show progress but it is very difficult.
We are winning battle against Taliban but at the country level we are losing the war, because in this war politic is more important than military aspects.
This imperative of time is linked to the perception of security. Insecurity is to tackle.
Troups are less important than in Iraq, police is corrupted, and the creation of an army is difficult.

· The second challenge is information operations. The essential problem is uncoordination.
- Domestic agenda trumps coalition/NATO agenda.
- Informations are given out of the military chaine of command.
- Politically-driven need for immediacy.
- TCNS often under resource the NATO element of a national contribution.
- Promoting of “good news” when the reality is some of the situation is bad.

2 focus: people (perception and action)
forces as NATO (input and result)

Dr. Barnett R. RUBIN
Director of Studies and Senior Fellow at the Center on International Cooperation of New York University

Talibans want to know where do the money, forces... come.
US fight against terrorism, but concerning the objective of negociation, there is a strategic ambiguïty.
The political mission is unclear, even if NATO has military objectives. It would be important to have a stable governement and democratisation. We have to remember that Afghanistan is 1 of the 5 poorest country of the world and that the terrorist threat is real. They is pauverty, weak infrastructures and institutions. Afghanistan is vulnerable, and some people use the situation.
Occident has a responsability in the present situation regarding their behaviour when sovietic union broke.
Iran has interest in instability (not US).
Russia has no interest in NATO presence.
India has interest in an access to the country.
The need of infrastructure, energy, transport, use of water... is clear.
Diplomaticaly speaking, the creation of stability conditions (political and economical) is the solution to prevent threats.
Democratisation of Pakistan can contribute to the stabilisation of Afghanistan developing cooperation in the region.

Amb. Masood KHAN
Permanent Representative of the Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, Geneva

Afghanistan: Mission Impossible? No, we can find a solution. If the answer was yes, there would have a military disengagement of the US forces. The aim is to bring peace, stability, rule of law, reconstruction and national reconciliation in the region.
Communication between Afghanistan and Pakistan is essential and existes (see the number of visites of the heads of States).
There are also 2.5 millions refugees. HCR is working on their rapatriation.
Pakistan is fighting against the terrorists present on his territory, and against poverty (hospitals, schools).
Troups are inadequate (insuffisant) in Afghanistan. To succed we need more troups.
Importance of regional cooperation, communication, as the other speakers said before are essential.

Suzanne Roset.

dimanche 13 avril 2008

"The Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development": What it is, What it seeks to do.

9 April 2008
With the presence of:
Ambassador Thomas GREMINGER (Head of Political Division IV, Human Security)
Pr. Keith KRAUSE (Small Arms Survey)
Dr. Amin WENNMANN (Small Arms Survey)

Chaired by:
Dr. Patricia LEWIS

(Introduced by Amb. Thomas GREMINGER)
Armed violence undermines Aid and Development aids/programs. It therefore affected the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) too.

The Geneva Declaration is an iniative that has been adopted in June 2006. 42 States and 17 international organizations (in 2008, 71 States have adopted the Geneva Declaration) gathered in Geneva for a Ministerial Summit on Armed Violence and Development. It was hosted by Switzerland and UNDP.

The objectives now are:
1- Raise global awareness of the international community to this issue
2-Support of peacebuilding and post conflict reconstruction
3-Strenghten efforts to achieve a measurable reduction in the burden of armed violence and tangible improvement in human security by 2015.

There is a Core Group of States (Brazil, Finland, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland = Chair of this group, Thailand and the United Kingdom). It has to promote the implementation of the Geneva Declaration through concrete and practical measures. The framework for the Implementation is based on 3 pillars:

A) Advocacy
Now, 71 States have adopted the Geneva Declaration. To better promote the principles of the Geneva Declaration and its Framework for Implemenation in the different regions of the globe, a series of regional meetings are being organized.

-April 2007 in Guatemala for the Latin America and Caribbean region. Concrete measures have been taken: Regional Declaration of Guatemala on Armed Violence and Development.

-October 2007 in Nairobi for the African continent. The 29 States adopted the African Declaration on Armed Violence and Development.

- A regional meeting for Asia will be held in Bangkok on 8 and 9 May 2008
Another meeting is planned for the Middle East.

A Ministerial Review Summit on Armed Violence and Development will take place on 12 September 2008, in Geneva.

B) Measurability and Research

(Presented both by Pr. Keith KRAUSE and Dr. Amin WENNMANN)

Difficulty to measure Armed Violence because:
Change in the nature of armed violence. In fact, nowadays, armed violences refer to warlords conflicts, transnational criminal, violence in non conflict situations... Focus has shifted from Conflict to Armed violence.

No international definition of Armed Violence, however Pr. Krause focus on:
-physical violence
-use of arms (major vector for violence but not only)
-illegitimate force

The purpose of Measurability and Research:
to identify who are the most vulnerable, who's most at risk, who are the perpatrators, what are the other factors that lead to armed violence (existence of gangs...)...
There are so many questions but little answers.

The aim: to provide tools for the international and national community to measure armed violence, then develop evidence based policy. Those tools would also enhance aid effectiveness

C) Programming
(Presented by Mr. Paul EAVIS)

The Geneva Declaration is implemented on the ground in chosen focus countries : Burundi, Guatemala and Jamaica.

What do these programs look like? It depends on the country but there are key elements.
1-Need to have guidelines. Evidence based programs. Surveys.

2-Strengthen national capacities. Program must be rooted on national realities.

3-Develop policies related to armed violence prevention.
Need of clear policy framework for the Governments.

4-Develop the capacity of national institutions to prevent violence
Need of technical and human ressource assistance.
Importance of local level. Civil society= crucial partner, dialogue with the government.

5-Develop targeted initiatives.

Range of intervations : large

-need to be Comprehensive in scope and evidence based

  • work at national and community level
  • an effective coordination within Governments, between government and civil society, and between donors
  • developing national capacities and ownership

For further informations, go to:


mercredi 30 janvier 2008

Friends of Climate Change and its implications for the full enjoyment of human rights

30th January 2008
Friends of Climate Change and its implications for the full enjoyment of human rights
(Meeting convened by the Permanent Missions of Maldives, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Germany, Ghana, Iceland, Serbia, United Kingdom and Uruguay)

The intention of the meeting is to approach the subject-matter of human dimension of climate change. It has clear security, humanitarian, health and human rights implications. With an exception of scientific aspects, so far there has been no consideration of human rights implications of climate change, deemed by many as an important gap in the HRC’s agenda.

Climate change is far from being just an ecological issue; it is also an issue of equity. In particular, climate change was identified as an issue of intergenerational equity. It became ominously clear to observers that global warming, since it modifies important parameters of the ecology of the planet, such as sea levels or weather patterns, will affect the relations between present and future generations.

In March a resolution of OHCHR Commissioner will be adopted and then HRC will be called for.

Ms. Cecilia Ugaz, UNDP
Last year report of UNDP was devoted to climate change with a specific emphasis on numerous scientific features instead of human ones. In her presentation Mrs. Ugaz focused particularly on the latter.
The starting point is that climate change amounts to erosion of basic human liberties, products and potentials. The world has less than a decade to solve the situation. In scientific terms, the objective is to limit the 21st century warming to 2 degrees C.

Furthermore, Mrs. Ugaz pointed out to 3 distinctive features of the 21st century challenge regarding climate change which:
is cumulative
produces irreversible effects
is responsible for large time lags, i.e. what happens today is a problem tomorrow
is global

Mrs. Ugaz emphasized the intergenerational problem, claiming that those especially affected by the climate change will be future generations and the most vulnerable people, particularly from the developing countries. However, it does not mean that the response to such a complex problem can be achieved by certain number of States, it is a purely global challenge and it effects to a different extent either developing or developed countries.

Additionally, Mrs. Ugaz provided information on the trends of CO2 emissions, pointing out to their increase in the atmosphere, water and temperature in general. All these trends are mainly due to men activities.

One of the proposals is to strive for global carbon accounting which goes through:
- keeping within 2 C the warming trend
- assuring carbon budget
- fostering sustainable emission’s pathway

There is a huge inequality in distribution of pollution, i.e. on the one hand those who pollute most of all are essentially developed States and they incur in responsibility for broader effects of climate change, and on the other developing States are the most vulnerable ones.

Taking the view of the world as a whole, the solution would be to cut 50% of CO2 emission by 2050: In this assumption developed States should cut 80% whereas developing countries should cut 20%.

5 human development tipping points:
- reduced agricultural productivity
- collapse of ecosystems
- Heightened water insecurity – glacial melting
- Increased health risks
- Increased exposure to extreme weather events – tropical storms, coastal flooding, sea level rise

Risk differential of being affected in developing and developed countries is 79%.

More than 2 billion people living below 2 $ per day.

Awareness needed of inequalities in the sense that income differentials are widening and becoming a barrier for early recovery after shocks.

The human effects have been unrepresented on the international agenda.

Mrs. Ugaz stressed the current problems of adaptation and encouraged representatives of States to take active measures in that regard.

Mr. Rai, World Bank
Mr. Rai mentioned that World Bank lending mechanisms are fully concerned with an issue of climate change, pointing out to several examples such as investment facility, self-standing project to address issues of climate change, particularly hydro power. Another example of World Bank endeavour in fighting climate change is launch of carbon partner facility and introduction of social dimension into the whole scope of lending procedures.

Mrs. Ize-Charin
OHCHR is fully aware of the topic, having included it in its current agenda after a successful framework achieved at the Conference in Bali. Mrs. Ize-Charin acknowledged impact of climate change on rights to life, housing, education and food and mentioned factors reinforcing such a trend: poverty, unequal power relationship. The consequences are already visible in some parts of the world. An important issue is also to assess the impact of climate change on governments’ capacity to meet their HR obligations. Some of the solutions may be found inter alia in development of bio-fuels and adaptation policies. Mrs. Ize-Sharin referred to Special rapporteur on the right to food, stating the apparent necessity to extend a refugee status to those who flee because of the violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Other mechanisms can be found on a regional basis such as Inter-American Commission.


Greek delegate emphasized impact of climate change on human security and informed about the19th February colloquium with International Organization of Migration.

The US expressed its satisfaction with Bali Action Plan, but is concerned with the appropriateness of submitting an issue of climate change impact on human rights to the HRC.

The UK submitted the proposal of joint cooperation between UNDP and World Bank.

Germany stressed a broader cooperation with other organizations and acknowledged need of expertise. It pointed out to a particular housing issue, linked directly to climate change.

Sudan stated that a direct cause of a conflict in Western Darfur is linked to climate change, particularly problems of desertification and water scarcity.

France supported the general concern, and has further pointed out to security and sanitary issues, as well as access to resources linked with health and climate change. As an example for the latter, the delegate reminded of a resolution adopted last week by the Executive Council of WHO.